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- This diagram was created in less than 10 minutes as a proof of concept to demonstrate the use of mind maps to answer an assignment in college class. No more was done to create this map than searching Google for Hume Paradox Horrror and then taking the first four or five answers and clipping them into a mind map tool then exported to html. For a class assignment a deeper breakdown of ideas to short sentences would be required to demonstrate mastery of the subject.
The intent was to show the organization of thoughts and how to organize them into a structure as shown below. NOT to produce a credible research or argument of any kind
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who he was
- Hume was an Empiricist, meaning he believed "causes and effects are discoverable not by reason, but by experience". He goes on to say that, even with the perspective of the past, humanity cannot dictate future events because thoughts of the past are limited, compared to the possibilities for the future.
David Hume - Wikipedia
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idea 1
- Hume took a great interest in the traditional philosophical topic of ethics, the conundrum of how humans can be good. He argued that morality isn't about having moral ideas, it's about having been trained, from an early age, in the art of decency through the emotions.
David Hume - The School Of Life
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Idea 2
- Hume's Moral Sense Theory. Hume claims that if reason is not responsible for our ability to distinguish moral goodness from badness, then there must be some other capacity of human beings that enables us to make moral distinctions (T 3.1. 1.4).
David Hume: Moral Philosophy
- idea3
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Paradox of Horror
- What it is
- Abstract: The enjoyment of negative emotions in horror has been considered paradoxical, but an evaluative theory of the emotions suggests that such enjoyment is not paradoxical. The negativity comes from a negative evaluation of the object of the emotion, not from intrinsically negative emotions.
The paradox of horror - Document - Gale Academic OneFile
- The paradox of horror relies on a traditional conception of emotions according to which negative emotions are intrinsically unpleasant to the extent that they contain unpleasant physiological symptoms.Nov 1, 2012
Paradox of Horror: Fear as a Positive Emotion - Oxford Academic
- What is Not
- What is the paradox of tragedy?
"The paradox tragedy in simple terms may be stated thus: human misery is repulsive to us in real life, yet it somehow pleases us in tragedy. Indeed, tragedy is considered by many to be man's highest art form, and to classify a play as a tragedy is to predicate value of it.
Aristotle And The Paradox Of Tragedy - Fisher Digital Publications
- What are the elements
- What are the 4 elements of horror?
Like the monkey's paw and the tell-tale heart, most horror genres contain the elements; fear, surprise, suspense, mystery, and spoiler. These elements give the horror genre a great sense of horror because whoever reads or watches horror will have a sense of sitting on the edge of their seat.
Elements Of Horror - 932 Words | Internet Public Library -