Memories that will knock you off your feet

  When you feel blue ... escape into your memories  


What better way to beat the blues than escaping to that magic place

where memories were born with friends or that special someone

Reliving it ... Priceless


A Trip to Costa Rica
With original music by Rafa Mora (Dominical, Costa Rica)

Week-end in Rocky Point Mexico
When friends invite you for a great weekend of tennis in Rocky Point, MX
the least you can do is to keep the memories forever

An American in Paris
Video shot with subcompact digital camera from moving cars or while walking

Strolling at the Louvre
Video shot with subcompact digital camera from moving cars or while walking

Cliff Dwellings Petroglyphs
Undisclosed location, AZ

"Marty" was the guide on a unique tour of a protected anthropological
research site of ruins of the Anasazi Indians. Unforgettable

In Production - Coming Soon

Antelope Canyon, AZ
My Favorite Magical Natural Wonder

When Even The Brain BFreezes

The Beasts Up Close and Not-Always-So-Comfortable

The Empire of Setting Sun and Rising Sushi

Castles of the Loire Valley
Only the jousting knights were missing

Wandering around Europe
Three Months In Paradise

Steep and Deep
Heli-i and Back Country Skiing on Two Continents



It Was A Grand Time - 11703 N 123 Way - Scottsdale, AZ 85259 - Phone 602-325-3213 - Fax 801-672-3855 - www.itwasagrandtime